Use your device from almost anywhere to access our Virtual Pay Station!
Address: 20 Hawthorne Drive, access off Golden Elm Lane or Crab Apple Lane. (if this car park is full, you can use the Red Oaks Drive car park)
Hawthorne Drive Car Park via Golden Elm Lane or Red Oaks Drive Car Park via Red Oaks Drive.
Head to the shops or your hotel, grab a coffee or start your walk to the Airport .
Go to Virtual Pay StationOn the Virtual Pay Station enter your Registration number and select the period you wish to park for from two categories
2hrs to 10 days or
11 days to 42 days.
Pay within 15 mins of parking to avoid any parking infringement fees
No ticket is required, and you haven’t made a booking.
Need a Receipt? Need top up Reminders?
SET UP EMAIL at the end of your transaction to manage your own parking.
Important Information
Our Pay Stations only accept the following payment methods:
– Mastercard and Visa Credit Cards
– Mastercard and Visa Debit Cards
Note: You will not be required to enter a PIN.
Use our Price Calculator for a super quick way to work out how much your parking will cost, based on number of days.