Parking Enforcement

Frequently asked questions

Monitored parking – fines may apply

Is your parking facility monitored?

Yes our parking facility is monitored daily by ‘Parking Enforcement Services’

We have engaged them to ensure every vehicle that is parked in our parking facility is VALID to do so.

If you have received a breach notice (fine) while parked in our parking facility then please call our office Monday-Friday 9am until 5pm (closed Public Holidays) for assistance. 021 080 98507  (phone calls only)

To contact Parking Enforcement Services the details are on the back of the Breach Notice.

Why did I get a Breach Notice (Fine) while I parked at your parking facility?

To use the Hawthorne Drive or Red Oaks Drive carpark you must PAY for the period (parking time) you select (wish to park for) on one of our five (5) Onsite Pay Stations or our online Virtual Pay Station once you have found a carpark.

We appreciate mistakes happen, Human errors, typo’s or you were in a rush, if you have received a Breach Notice (fine) for any of reasons, please call our office Monday-Friday 9am until 5pm (closed Public Holidays) for assistance, before you get caught in the parking enforcement services system. 021 080 98507  (phone calls only)

Are you associated to the Queenstown Airport?

NO we have NOTHING to do with the Queenstown Airport

We are a direct competitor for short & long term car parking

And we are half the price.

View our Rates here